San Jose Unified Equity Coalition

SJUEC is a grassroots coalition of parents, educators, students, and community members, who are committed to racial equity, the safety of our schools, and the health of our community.

Together we have:

  • Organized over 75 public comments for the defunding of SROs at the August 25th study session

  • Demanded SJUSD hold a study session for defunding School Resource Officers on August 25th, 2020

  • Collected over 1,700 signatures to our petition to remove SROs from SJUSD.

  • Received the support of California Assembly Member Ash Kalra

  • Convinced SJUSD school board members put discussion of SROs on the SJUSD agenda

  • Organized a car protest and over 150 community members to write an email comment for teacher choice to work from home.

Email to join us!